Friday, July 15, 2011

And the winner is....

And the winner is....
Human slave, Jasmin and ''her'' cat Waylon said...
Ugh! My human slave, Jasmin, has been recently acting like a drunk maniac. She blames it on the sun... One day, she suddenly sat on me. then she made that absurd dog sit on me as well. >:( After that fight against me and the dog, Jasmin brought me outside. WELL, it turns out that the sun WASn'T the reason for my slave's drunkness. It was really the heat. It was unbearable!! Finally(after 2 hours) when i went inside, I ended up being drunk...!!!! So much for summer....
-the drunkard, Waylon

Congratulations!  Here's how Waylon responded:
THE ALMIGHTY WAYLON!!!!!! haha said...
My deepest apologies. My slave was the one who typed my comment(cats have no opposable thumbs) she clearly messed up!! alas, I ended up typing this(it took FOREVER) i just wanted to say that she forgot to put "the almighty Waylon". SHe put drunkard instead >>>>>>>>>>>>:(
Thanks Waylon, and about the typing thing,  you get used to it all it takes is practice LOTS of practice.
Good night peeps!
-Clark the host!
P.S. I'm a host because I hosting this.
P.P.S. Yrros about posting late, I slept through the day and after that I was hungry, then I went outside...

1 comment:

  1. hey sara, Waylon is goin to be typing my next posts>.<
